Illinois Beach State Park
I usually volunteer once a month at Illinois Beach State Park (the group meets the second Saturday of each month at the nature centre), though lately I've been a bit busy on those days. I made sure to get out there and help collect seed during the October workday!
We were collecting Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) seeds. It was easy to spot them because they look feathery!
Along the way I saw quite a few mushrooms. The white one in the pictures below was the largest one. I didn't measure it unfortunately.

I actually don't recall ever seeing that many mushrooms in this area so it was a real treat to see. I happened to spot one hidden among Juniperus horizontalis.

I wasn't paying attention when snapping a photo of a mushroom and barely brushed my hand against Opuntia humifusa (Eastern prickly pear) glochids, but I managed to pick all of them out and after a few minutes the irritation subsided. I got to see many prickly pear fruits, and took great care to step gingerly around them after my cactus incident. Getting the little bristles embedded in my hand was bad enough, and I didn't want to take my chances falling onto spikes that could easily be 4" long!
I got to meet a little butterfly buddy.
And I was so excited to see Gentianopsis crinita (fringed gentian)!

I had a wonderful time volunteering and seeing all the neat mushrooms.
One more post for the Mushroom Hunting in October to get to!
One more post for the Mushroom Hunting in October to get to!
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